
Welcome to the evolving story of my life with multiple sclerosis. I had meant to start this project a long time ago in order to keep a chronicle of my journey for myself and my family, offer insight and support for others living with MS, and so anyone might understand what it feels like to live in a body with a chronic disease and changing levels of ability.

Each time I meant to start I put it off to “tomorrow”, which turned into 15 years of tomorrows.

I found motivation to start now as I am about to undergo an intensive treatment, hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT),  that will mark a profound turning point along this road I am on, one way or another, for better or for worse – hopefully for better. I have provided an outline of the treatment details here.

I am as curious as the next person as to what this will evolve into overtime. Right now it is mostly a journal and a way to communicate, to friends and family, the time leading up to and during treatment, as well as my process of recovery.

If you’re interested, you can read “My MS Story” that describes my life from the onset of symptoms, to my diagnosis, to what led to my decision to undertake HSCT. It is a rough outline with the salient details and high points (and low points) laid out as best I remember them.  It is definitely a work in progress.

I have created a blog to tell the story beginning in January, 2022.  It starts with my preparations for HSCT treatment in Mexico and will describe my process through treatment and recovery. After that, who knows where this will go.

This next phase is going to be quite a ride.  If you are interested you can sign up for my blog to follow my journey or you can check back on this website from time to time – whatever works best for you!

Sign up to follow my journey through my blog!